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SHARE Greece 2024

Kerem Yazgan was a guest speaker at the SHARE Greece 2024 International Architecture Forum. His presentation titled "Deep Section" aims to explore the future of architecture through working on a system section and its dynamic relationship with environmental factor.

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METU Carrier Planning Lecture

Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation to the 1st year Architecture students of Middle East Technical University in the Carrier Planning Lecture. "Paradox of Architecture" was the title of his presentation and he explained the difference between the theory and the practice by looking the architecture of future through a new perspective. 

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Eskisehir Technical University Design Club Presentation

Begum Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were invited to the Design Club Meeting organized by Eskisehir Technical University. They explained the philosophy of Yazgan Design Architecture with various examples from other disciplines and projects of Yazgan with a presentation titled "flexible system design".

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ZAK World of Facades İstanbul 

Begum Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan of Yazgan Design Architecture will be delivering their presentation titled "On the Knowledge of Façade" at the Zak World of Façades Turkey edition on 16th March 2023 in Istanbul.

SHARE Pristina 2023

Kerem Yazgan was the speaker at SHARE Pristina 2023 International Architecture and Engineering Forum on 10th March together with Ian Ritchie and Bernard Khoury.

SHARE Chisinau 2023

Kerem Yazgan was the speaker at SHARE Pristina 2023 International Architecture and Engineering Forum on 28th February. He gave a presentation titled 'Event Spaces - Be Ready' which focused on emergency architecture considering the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. 

SHARE Belgrade 2022

Bursa Architecture Festival '22

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Kayseri Chamber of Architects presentation

Kayseri Chamber of Architects organized an event and hosted Yazgan Design Architecture. Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan gave presentation about Yazgan's recent projects that are integrated with nature.

SHARE Sarajevo 2022

Kerem Yazgan was the speaker at SHARE Sarajevo 2022 International Architecture and Engineering Forum on 14th June. SHARE Sarajevo Forum hosted Architects with outstanding projects and international leaders in innovation and building technologies. Kerem Yazgan presented one of Yazgan’s latest projects; Heper Lighitng Factory, together with some of our featured projects.

SHARE Bucharest 2022

Kerem Yazgan, Serdar Binzet (Civil Eng.), and Mehmet Okutan (Mechanical Eng.) were the speakers at the conference for specialists in healthcare architecture and design initiated by SHAREarchitects in Bucharest on the 30th of May. As one of the most important events in the Romanian and international healthcare sector, the conference was attended by architects, engineers, and medical technology consultants, as well as MEP consultants and hospital directors, with the aim of debating topics of current interest in the healthcare sector and offering concrete solutions by presenting case studies of hospitals in Europe and Turkey.

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TEDU Flexible System Design Presentation

Kerem Yazgan and Begum Yazgan made a presentation at TED University Facult of Architecture on 22 March 2022. They explained the principles of Flexible System Design with various examples from different disciplines and Yazgan projects.

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YAPI ARCH Presentation

Begum Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were the speakers at Yapı Arch online event. They presented the OIZ Office with the title of  

'Inner gardens instead of walls' 

Share Sofia 2021

Organized by SHARE Architects, SHARE Sofia 2021 was held in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 16. As one of the speakers, Kerem Yazgan give a presentation titled 'inner gardens instead of walls' in which he focused on integration of nature into architecture.

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Balıkesir University Presentation

Begum Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation to the Balıkesir University about the 'Flexible System Design'. 

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Strelka & Architects rf. Presentation

Organized by Strelka Institute for media, architecture and design, Architects rf. visited Turkey for the educational module of their program. Kerem Yazgan made a presentation for them; highlighting the Yazgan's key projects with the its philosophy 'Flexible System Design' and 'Knowledge of the Shadows'. 

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Bursa Technical University Agora Society

Organized by Bursa Technical University Agora Student Society, Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan made a presentation about the Architectural Design Process with the Yazgan's projects


METU Architectural Design Studio Presentation

Kerem Yazgan was the guest lecturer at METU Arch402 Architectural Design Studio. He presented the Yazgan's recent projects with his design approach titled "from the effect of shadows to the knowledge of shadows".

East Gate Masterclass-Poster Announcemen

Skopje East Gate Masterclass

Kerem Yazgan gave a lecture accompanied by an intro speech from two acclaimed Professors, i.e. Prof. Mishko Ralev from the School of Architecture and Design at UACS, and Prof. Mihajlo Zinoski from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje.

His presentation focused on explaining the theoretical rationale behind the advanced and integrative approach of Smart Project, using the example of the mixed-use development project, Skopje East Gate project by Yazgan Design Architecture.


WICONA Facade Conference

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were the guest speakers with ARUP Turkey, Baymim and InnoBuild for the Wicona Facade Conference that was streamlined online from Ankara and Frankfurt on 8th April 2021.

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TED University Department of Architecture Professional Practice

Kerem Yazgan was the guest lecturer at TED University for the Professional Practice course in Department of Architecture. He presented the Yazgan Design Architecture as an architecture and research firm with its philosophy. 

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İstanbul Technical University MDK Presentation

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan had presentation to the student club in İstanbul Technical University about Flexible System Design.

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Bilkent University Hamamyolu Urban Deck Presentation

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were the quest lecturers at Bilkent University Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Department. They presented the Hamamyolu Urban Deck within the course context: Coexintence

Design Talks 

Organized by AKDO, 'Design Talks' webinar series hosted Yazgan Design Architecture on 4th December 2020. Kerem Yazgan and Begum Yazgan made a presentation titled "from the effect of shadows to the knowledge of shadows". 

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Gazi University Architecture Student Club / MEET-W Presentation

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were the speakers in Meet-W series organized by Gazi University Architecture Student Club. Their presentation titled as "Flexible System Design and Knowledge of the Shadows" and they talked about the Yazgan Design recent projects with their philosopy. 

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İzmir Dokuz Eylül University Architectural Design Studio Presentation

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were the guest lecturers at İzmir Dokuz Eylül University 3rd year Architectural Design Studio. The presentation was concentrated on 'research' within the concept of project in different scales and the philosophy of Yazgan Design about the subject.

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ZAK Virtual Festival of Façades 2020

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were speakers at the Zak World of Façades Virtual Festival on 19th October. They delivered their presentation titled “from the effect of facade to the knowledge of facade”.
For more information you can visit:

SHARE Ljubljana 2020

Begum Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were speakers on 22nd September at Share Ljubljana 2020. They made the opening presentation and talked about the future of architecture with several works of Yazgan. The event organized in a hybrid format with the combination of virtual and live lectures of remarkable guests and speakers.  

İzmir 9 Eylül University Summer Internship Program Yazgan Presentation

Due to the pandemic, 9 Eylül University organized a series of presentations with recognized offices as the internship program for students. Kerem Yazgan and Begum Yazgan made a presentation about the philosophy of Yazgan Design with its works and talked about the future of architecture. 


Denizli Chamber of Architects Presentation

Denizli Chamber of Architects hosted Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan at their youtube channel on 1st July. They made a presentaion and talk about 'flexible system design'.

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Future Sense of Architecture Live Webinar

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were speakers at the Future Sense of Architecture live webinar on 23rd June 2020. Ornanized by Yapı Communication, the conference was concentrated on the Smart Buildings within the theme of Future of Architecture.

SHARE Ljubljana 2020 Live Webinar Pre-Event

Due to Covid-19 situation, the "SHARE Ljubljana 2020" event was postponed to summer and SHARE Architects have organized live webinar series before the actual events. This year the theme is "Transforming the world through architecture" and the webinars are focused on the architecture in a post pandemic era. 

Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan were speakers at the Share Ljubljana 2020 live webinar on 16th April. They made a presentation titled "paradox of architecture in post-pandemic era". After the presentation they join the debate with Pepe Gascon from the Pepe Gascon Architects and Sven Thorissen form the MVRDV.

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Bilkent Women Entrepreneurs Project

Begüm Yazgan was a speaker on 10th March for the event of Women Entrepreneurship Project at Bilkent University. The event is organized by Bilkent Young Entrepreneurs Society with the aim of emphasizing women's role in business life. 


Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice (TSMD) Student Committee

Yazgan Design Architecture hosted the Student Committe of the Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice. Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan made a presentation in the office about the design philosophy of Yazgan while explaining the idea behing their projects.

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1 Mimar 1 Mekan YDA Center

Orhanized by DAS Bilkent Student Club, "1 Mimar 1 Mekan" [1 Architect 1 Place] was held in YDA Center with Kerem Yazgan on 21th December. He explained the idea behind the project with the presentation first and then he showed the architectural details of it while touring.


City in a City

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan presented the collaborative project 'Merkez Ankara' together with Ali Osman Öztürk and Orçun Ersan, and they discussed about the mixed use projects under the topic: city in a city. 

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"How to Design your Future" Conference 

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were speakers in the conference, "How to Design your Future", at Bilkent University on 14th December. They made a presentation and attend a panel discussion with Ali Osman Öztürk and Neşet Güne. 

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Share Talks Iasi

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker at Share Talks Iasi, under the topic of Transforming The Cities Through Architecture with Sanjay Puri, Pepe Gascon, Matei Bogoescu and Vlad Tenu on 15th November 2019. Through the Yazgan Design's new projects in Iasi, he made a presentation about his design philosophy with the examples from different disciplines.

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SHARE X Bucharest 2019

Kerem Yazgan was the keynote speaker on 14th November in Bucharest, at Share X Conference for Advanced Architecture. He made a presentation named "Flexible Systems in Architectural Design & Knowledge of the Shadows". The presentation was about; discovering and analyzing the flexible design systems in different disciplines from art, music, nature to architecture, and explaining the Yazgan's design philosophy with its projects. Then he will focus on the knowledge-based architecture with regard to Yazgan's new approach to innovative design.

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Arch Meeting Ankara / 01.10.2019

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in the discussion with Mert Eyiler and Dicle Demircioğlu on 1 November at Erimtan Archaeology and Art Museum. He made a presentation named "naturality of architecture" and they talked about the methods of architectural production in their practice through the finalist projects of World Architecture Festival 2019.


Arch Meeting Adana / 11.10.2019

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in the panel discussion under the topic of 'Uniqueness in Architecture'. He made a presentation named 'déjà - vu' and compared the 'Uniqueness in Nature' with architecture, stated that the knowledge based architecture should be our aim through this.


Middle East Technical University Presentation / 07.10.2019

Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan present the Hamamyolu Urban Deck at the Middle East Technical University 3rd year architectural design studio working on Eskişehir for their project in this semester.

TED University Presentation / 04.10.2019

Begüm Yazgan gave a lecture about her PhD Thesis on Ecology and explained how Yazgan Design Architecture applies these theories into their practice, at the TED University 4th year architectural design studio.


Eskişehir Technical University Presentation / 10.05.2019

Organized by Ortak Alan Club from Eskişehir Techical University, Begüm Yazgan gave a presentation to architecture students on their design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Tasarım Bilkent '19

Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan was the speakers with Chris Precht at the panel discussion organized by Bilkent Design and Architecture Society. They presented their ideas and projects under the topic of "Design Process".

Knowledge of the Shadows / Ankara

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in a panel discussion under the topic of Limits of the Architecture and Design in Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice, on 13th March 2019 with Can Çinici, Deniz Dokgöz and Murat Sönmez.

He made a presentation named "Knowledge of the Shadows".


İzmir TSMD Panel Discussion

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in a panel discussion under the topic of Limits of the Architecture and Design in İzmir Architecture Center on 6th Marth 2019. 

Share Skopje 2019

Kerem Yazgan was the keynote speaker on 19th February in Skopje, at Share International Architecture and Engineering Forum. He talked about Yazgan Design's recent projects with title of "Green Interfaces" and also Skopje East Gate Project

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Gazi University GÜYAP Presentation / 05.12.2018

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation about Yazgan Design Architecture and their design philosophy by explaining 'smart project' and giving various examples from projects at the symposium organized by the architecture and engineering students of Gazi University. 

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Middle East Technical University Presentation / 25.10.2018

Kerem Yazgan gave a lecture in 4th year studio of architecture department at Middle East Technical University and he talked about the one of recent projects, Skopje East Gate, and Hamamyolu Urban Deck on 25th October.

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Bilkent University Presentation / 23.10.2018

Kerem Yazgan presented Yazgan Design Architecture's award winning project Hamamyolu Urban Deck at Bilkent University for the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture.

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İncirliova Architecture Students Summer Camp

Organized by İzmir Chamber of Architects, at İncirliova Architecture Students Summer Camp, Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on their design philosophy about Flexible System Design and Hamamyolu Urban Deck within the street workshop of the camp.

Bodrum Architecture Library 

Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation named Flexible System Design at Bodrum Architecture Library on 16th June 2018. Süha Özkan also joined the presentation who is the founder of the library. They talked about their recent projects with their design philisophy.

Share Sofia 2018

Kerem Yazgan was a keynote speaker at the Share Sofia 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum.

He was also a jury member in Bulgarian Architecture Awards 2018 and the winners were announced on 7th June.

Perspective EU Forum Venice

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in Perspective Europe Forum organized by The Plan Magazine in Lido, Venice on 23th May 2018.

He talked about the 'Hamamyolu Urban Deck' under the theme of Society in the panel discussion.

EMU 8th International Design Week

Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in a panel discussion within 8th International Design Week organized by Eastern Mediterranean University

in North Cyprus on 4th May 2018.

Bilkent University Presentation / 02.05.2018

Kerem Yazgan gave a lecture on their design philosophy about Flexible System Design by giving various examples from different disciplines and also from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture. 

Share Belgrade 2018 / 24.04.2018

Kerem Yazgan is the keynote speaker at the Share Belgrade 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum, where he talked about the Hamamyolu Urban Deck and Volkswagen Arena İstanbul, on 24th April.

Share Bucharest 2018 / 27.03.2018

Kerem Yazgan is the keynote speaker at the Share Bucharest 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum, where he talked about the Hamamyolu Urban Deck and YDA Center, on 27th March.

Bilkent University, Ankara Arena Trip and Presentation / 10.12.2017

Orhanized by DAS Bilkent Student Club, Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation at Ankara Arena. He explained the idea behind the project and showed them the architectural details of the multi-functional sports hall while touring it.

Middle East Technical University Presentation / 02.11.2017

Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan gave a presentation named 'Flexible System Design' by giving various examples from different disciplines and also from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture. 

Gazi University Presentation / 19.10.2017

The presentation was held on 19 October 2017, at Gazi University Yükseliş Hall. Kerem and Begüm Yazgan presented their ideas that shape their design philosophy and give examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

İstanbul Technical University Presentation / 17.10.2017

Begüm Yazgan gave a presentation on their design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Amasya University Presentation / 13.10.2017

With the theme of 'City, Architecture, Identity and Sustainability' the panel organized by Architecture Students Association, was held at Amasya University on October 13th 2017. Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on their design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Share Skopje / 05.09.2017

Kerem Yazgan was a keynote speaker at the Share Skopje 2017 International Architecture and Engineering Forum, where he gave a presentation about the YDA Center and Kalkan Altes Villas, on 5th September.

Koleksiyon/TSMD Hosts Architects, Çankaya University Presentation / 04.05.2017

The presentation was held on 4 May 2017 at Çankaya University Faculty of Architecture . Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on their design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

İzmir Chamber of Architects Presentation / 28.03.2017

The presentation was held on 28 March 2017 at Architecture Center in İzmir. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Balıkesir Chamber of Architects Presentation / 28.02.2017

The presentation was held on 28 February 2017 at Chamber of Architects Meeting Hall in Balıkesir. Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan gave a presentation on their design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Atılım University Presentation / 08.11.2016

The presentation was held on 8 November 2016 at Atılım University. Dr. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Inglass Warsaw Presentation /11.10.2016

The presentation was held on 11 October 2016 at Warsaw. Begüm Yazgan and Kerem Yazgan were speakers at Inglass International Glass Architecture and Engineering Expo Conference 2016. They presented their award winning project “ONS Incek Showroom” within the concept of glass. They explained how they used the glass as a catalyst in building up the idea.

TSMD 'Turkey Projects-4: Healthcare Buildings/City Hospitals' Panel / 26.05.2016

With the theme of "Healthcare Buildings/City Hospitals", the fourth of the Turkish Project panel series organized by the Turkish Independent Architects Association, with the sponsorship of Seranit Group, was held at the TSMD Architecture Center on May 27th, 2016. The panel consisted of two sessions. Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in the second session, who did inclusive and knowledge-based shares by intending his projects. He tried to find answers of the questions like“How many actors are involved in a hospital building?” and “How many pieces are consisted of a structure?” by emphasizing that this experience can turn into knowledge. And he accented that, a great detail even being considered the design of the location of an electrical outlet in PPP hospitals.

DCA-E International Design Conference /13.05.2016

Through the collaboration of the Design Communication Association and the Architecture and Design School of Özyeğin University, the International Design Conference brought together over 120 participants from many different countries in Istanbul. Kerem Yazgan was a speaker in the panel titled 'Inclusiveness in Design' which is occured on May 13th.

'Architects Debating on Noise' Conference /27.04.2016

Şişecam Flat Glass gathered renowned architects within the scope of 27th April - International Noise Awareness Day, in the Building Information Center. Kerem Yazgan considered noise from a different angle by explaining importance of catching miraculousness inside ordinariness in his presentation under the name of ‘Listening to the City’. He expressed that perception of noise changes according to experience of city by showing ‘Sound Taxi’ and ‘Sea Organ’ examples.

VITRA Academy Marketing Presentation /28.03.2016

In his presentation, Kerem Yazgan mentioned about faced difficulties during design and construction stages of Ankara Arena, and emphasized how architect has role to solve these problems by approaching from different perspectives.

Bilgi University Presentation /08.12.2015

The presentation was held on 8 December 2015 at Santral Istanbul Architecture Faculty. Dr. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy by giving various examples from projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

'Renew your city, Renew yourself' Conference /17.05.2015

The second series of ‘Renew Your City, Renew Yourself’ Conference, was occured in CerModern, organized by AKG Gazbeton and The Building Information Center. Kerem Yazgan examined potentials of designing “interface”s between the building and the city via architectural sections as “urban interface”s. He enlightened the topic with “Ankara Arena”, “Aselsan REHİS Gölbaşı Kampüsü” examples associating with context.

'Building the Cities of Future' Conference /14.05.2015

SAIE Ankara Conference, organized by TSMD and SAIE collaboration, met with listeners under the title of “Building the Cities of the Future”, at TSMD Architectural Center. Smart building technologies, energy efficiency, architectural and urban renewal and such topics were handled in conference, besides information sharing through the new Italian technology, projects and practices. Kerem Yazgan spoke on the topic of “Architecture and Innovations in Turkey” by explaining Konya Food and Agriculture University example in conference.

Diyarbakır Dicle University Presentation /14.05.2015

The presentation is held on 12 May 2015 at Dicle University Congress Center. Dr. Kerem Yazgan presented his ideas and experiences. Also, he has informed the students about the design philosophy and the projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Çankaya University Presentation /24.03.2014

The presentation was held on 24 March 2014 at Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan hosted the event at Blue Hall. As a partner of Yazgan Design Architecture, Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy of “Designography of Architecture”; he shared his experiences about the formulation of the creative act of design and the methods to archive the design.

Middle East Technical University Presentation /17.03.2014

As an extention of its original series of exhibits, the "TSMD / Koleksiyon Hosts Architects" continues to exhibit across various universities in Turkey. On March 17th, 2014, the 6th exhibit was held at Middle East Technical University presenting Yazgan Design Architecture. Dr. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy and also discussed various projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.  

Atılım University Presentation /10.03.2014

As an extention of its original series of exhibits, the "TSMD / Koleksiyon Hosts Architects" continues to exhibit across various universities in Turkey. On March 17th, 2014, the 6th exhibit was held at Middle East Technical University presenting Yazgan Design Architecture. Dr. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy and also discussed various projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.  

Kayseri Erciyes University Presentation /26.11.2013

As an extention of its original series of exhibits, the "TSMD / Koleksiyon Hosts Architects" continues to exhibit across various universities in Turkey. On November 26th, 2013, the 8th exhibit was held at Erciyes University presenting HAYALGUCU DESIGN / YAZGAN DESIGN ARCHITECTURE. Dr. Kerem Yazgan gave a presentation on his design philosophy and also discussed various projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture. 

Anadolu University Presentation /26.04.2013

The panel that aims to enlighten students about Innovation and Entrepreneurship In Design, is held on 26 April 2013 at Eskisehir Anadolu University. Kerem Yazgan presented his experinces and opinions based on his design philosophy and his projects.

Tevfik Fikret High School Presentation /14.12.2012

The presentation is held on 14 December 2012 at Tevfik Fikret High School. Dr. Architect Kerem Yazgan presented his ideas and experiences. Also, he has informed the students about the design philosophy and the projects realized

by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Middle East Technical University Presentation /15.11.2012

The presentation was held on 15 Nov 2012 at Middle East Technical University with the participation of fourth year students. Kerem Yazgan presented his research on “designography of architecture” by various applied projects.

TOBB Economy and Technology Universtiy Presentation /21.05.2012

The presentation launched by Arhitekst Company and Oris architecture and culture magazine under the name of 'Days of Oris'. Pritzker Prize holder Glenn Murcutt (Australia), Francisco Mangado (Spain),Idis Turato (Croatia), Toma Plejic (Croatia), Brigitte Weber (Turkey), Kerem Yazgan (Turkey), and Han Tümertekin (Turkey) presented their recent architectural practices and experiences.

Middle East Technical Universtiy Presentation /18.05.2012

The presentation was held on 18 May 2012 at Middle East Technical University with the keen participation of students. Kerem Yazgan explained how Designography is applicable for urban scale. He used different examples and projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture.

Bilkent University Presentation /13.03.2012

The presentation was held on 13 March 2012, at Bilkent University, in Ankara, Turkey. Philosophy of Yazgan Design Architecture, phases and projects of the company presented by Kerem Yazgan with a comprehensive speech.

Osmangazi University Presentation /08.03.2012

The presentation was held on 8 March 2012, at Osmangazi University in Eskişehir, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan met with the students with in the context of presentation including all the projects realized by Yazgan Design Architecture and the competition experiences. Presentation became more usefull by the questions of students.

Gazi University Presentation /13.05.2011

The presentation was held on 13 May 2011, at Gazi University Yükseliş Hall, Ankara, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan mentioned about his practices on “design process” and answered the questions addressed by the students within “Was a dream…then? Conversations” activity which is coordinated by the students of Department of Architecture.

İzmir Chamber of Architects Presentation /07.10.2010

The presentation was held on 7 October 2010, at Konak Atatürk Cultural Center in Izmir, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan presented their ideas that shape their design philosophy. Kerem Yazgan briefly mentioned about the systematics of his design theory under the title “Designography”, the same label of his doctoral thesis that was completed in 2003. He gave examples on the ways in which he applied his theory in various projects completed in Yazgan Design Architecture. Begüm Yazgan spoke on the ideas of landscaping regarding the aforementioned projects.

Denizli Chamber of Architects Presentation /24.09.2010

The presentation was held on 24 September 2010, at the Chamber of Architects Meeting Hall in Denizli, Turkey. In the conference, Kerem Yazgan mentioned that his research on “design acts” for his PhD thesis helped in developing a design approach in which he applied in various projects realized in Yazgan firm.

Anadolu University Presentation /20.04.2010

The presentation was held on 20 April 2010 at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. After a brief presentation of the firm, Kerem Yazgan spoke on the ways in which his thoughts on design find a place in his architectural products.

Başkent University Presentation /09.04.2010

The presentation was held on April 2010, at Başkent University Hall, Ankara, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan, which was one of the guest speakers at the event, briefly presented the recent works of Yazgan Design Architecture to the audience. He emphasizes how the ideas he developed in his PhD thesis, “Designography of Architecture”, was reflected to his work.

Middle East Technical University Presentation /09.12.2009

The presentation was held on 9 December 2009 in Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Kerem Yazgan hosted the event at Kubbealtı Hall. He introduced MODSIM Research and Simulation Center building to the audience. After the meeting, the audience visited the building, which is located at the Technopark of METU under Kerem Yazgan's supervision.

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